Prior to learning about the Medallion, I had taken a GL course in Myth, Ritual, and Mysticism. This was the starting point of what lead to a minor in Religion. I have always been fascinated and saddened by how Religion is used by mankind throughout history, unfortunately, to rage wars, oppress, and justify killing. When in reality religion, faith is a beautiful factor in our society. I was very fortunate to learn a great deal about different world religion and how they shape individuals who practice them.
I had the amazing opportunity to work for Paper-Airplanes. An organization that helps bridge the gap in language, higher education and professional skills for conflict-affected individuals. My role in Paper Airplanes was an English tutor on a one to one base and conversation group. I was able to meet amazing students that all though having been through horrible ordeals were so resilient in learning in hopes of implementing it in their future endeavors. I not only taught but learned and fine-tuned my leadership skills and mentoring skills. Again a humbling experience, which I will continue to be a part of.
Alternative Break was part of my Global Learning points. This was an amazing trip to Tennesse where we helped sort, prepare, package, and ship medical supplies and equipment to developing countries. Project C.U.R.E helps to bridge health resource gaps by empowering doctors and nurses with the tools they need to treat disease, deliver vaccines, perform life-changing surgeries and ensure safe childbirth. Thanks to the dedication of thousands of volunteers nationwide, two to three cargo containers of life-saving aid leave Project C.U.R.E.’s warehouses every week. We were very fortunate to help with such containers. One day we filled a whole container with hospital beds, another day we sorted through medical supplies and divided what was needed for another shipment. Living in the United States we often forget how incredibly fortunate we are and the importance of paying it forward.